Sex Addiction Group

Joshua Nichols

Marriage Counselor, Family Counselor, Sex Addictions Therapist

Sexual Addictions & Compulsivity

The sexual relationship is a beautiful part of our existence. Although all of us are created as sexual beings, not everyone experiences the joy and fulfillment that comes with having a healthy sexual relationship.  Sometimes this is by choice, but other times this is due to destructive patterns of sexual behavior. Sometimes sex and sexual activity are used to cope with the trials, tribulations, and pressures of everyday life. These coping mechanisms may manifest in the form of viewing internet pornography, random sexual encounters, and many other sexual experiences. Acts of sexual compulsion can often lead to addiction. This addiction, like many others, has been known to destroy lives. Sex addicts have lost marriages and families, jobs and careers, personal health, and in some cases, their own lives. 

I have a passion for helping individuals, couples, and families overcome the often devastating effects of sexual addiction and impulsivity. Trained by some of the leading clinicians and researchers in the field of sexual addiction and compulsion, I am credentialed as Certified Sex Addiction Therapist. I work very closely with my colleagues at Family Solutions Counseling.  Feel free to contact me to hear more about our team approach in tackling this issue.

If you, your spouse, or someone else you know is struggling with sexual addiction or impulsivity, please do not hesitate to schedule an appointment in order to take back control of your life.

If you are interested in taking the online assessment known as the Sexual Dependence Inventory (SDI), which serves as a tool to help you come to a better understanding of you struggle with sexual addictions or compulsions, please contact me for more information.

Sexual Addictions & Impulsivity Therapy Group (now forming)

Who can join the group? You are welcomed to be a part of this group if you are someone who struggle with sexual compulsions and/or addition and are:

  • Ready to start your recovery.
  • Early in your recovery process and looking for a group to join.
  • Looking for a group to help enhance and intensify your existing treatment.

Note: Males and females alike are welcomed, but will not participate in group together.  A group must consist of a minimum of 3 participants of the same sex.

Where will the group take place? The group will take place at an undisclosed location on the north side of Oklahoma City.  Participants will be informed of the exact location when they come to their initial intake interview.

When and what time does group begin? Please contact me to inquire of the start date and time of the next group.  There will be a total of 12 sessions. Please inquire about the scheduling of each session.

How much does it cost to participate? The total cost of group is $60.00 per session, which is less than cost of individual therapy (note: $100.00 charge if registration takes place 7 days or less from the intake session).  Payment is due in the form of cash or credit card at the initial intake session.   Payment is non-refundable 2 weeks prior to group.  If a refund is requested, your therapist will make adjustments based on time and resources already spent.   Group participants will be required to purchase the book "Facing the Shadows" by Patrick Carnes.

What about paperwork? Before your initial intake and assessment interview, you will also need to print out, read, fill out, and sign the attached documents below.

If you are interested in jumpstarting your recovery, please call me at 405.234.7209 as I would be happy to register you as a group participant and/or answer any questions that are on your mind.  

Start your recovery now!

Individual Counseling

Do you struggle with feeling anxious or depressed? Have you experienced more than your share of injustices? Have you experienced an agonizing loss with loneliness, helplessness and guilt? If so, you might consider working with a professional counselor.


Schedule an appointment today!

Marriage Counseling

Are you looking to connect with your mate on a deeper level? Do you want to restore intimacy or repair the hurt caused by infidelity? If you feel like your relationship is one of high conflict, and resolving problems seems like an unachievable task, then please consider couples counseling.


Schedule an appointment today!

Family Counseling

Whether you have adult children or children still living in the home, as long as you are a parent, it is never too late to make changes. If you desire to have a better relationship with your children; or, if you need help in areas such as discipline and boundary setting, then please do not hesitate to call me to set up your first appointment.

Schedule an appointment today!


As a licensed marital and family therapist, I have extensive training and experience in working with couples and family.  For more than a decade I have devoted my career and ministry to serving couples and family in the professional counseling setting. I have developed these seminars based on my clinical expertise and experience in working with marriages and families over the years.  I currently offer the following seminars:

Parenting R.I.S.K.S., LIfelong Rewards. Building Relationships that Last a Lifetime

The 5 Myths of Marriage

The V-Factor: Marriage Seminar (in development)

 Book a seminar today!

Special Speaking Engagements

I have experience speaking to religious organizations, academia professionals, non-profit and self-help organizations. I have spoken on mental health topics such as anxiety and depression, self-injury, control, and teenage drug and alcohol addiction. I have presented on relational topics, including but not limited to communication, sexuality and intimacy, blended families, parenting and the parent-child relationship, and forgiveness.

I am also available to speak on other mental health and family-related topics. Please contact me if you are interested in having me speak at your event.

Book me for a special speaking engagement today!